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Showing articles from IFD tag

I am not receiving FLTA Alerts on my IFD5XX/4XX

I am not receiving FLTA Alerts on my IFD5XX/4XX. 1. Take a look at the Options Enabled on this IFD. Proceed to the AUX> SYS> Status Software Page and ensure the "F500" Option is highlighted Green with White letters. Document his current software version as well. Example Below: ​ 2. Proceed to the AUX> Audio …

IFD5xx/4xx Where To Find Unit Serial Number Information

If the IFD is at software release and prior, the serial number can be located in maintenance mode under the Hardware page. The link below will provide instructions on accessing maintenance mode if you are unfamiliar. If the IFD is at software version or later, the serial number can be found in the S…

I can't put my IFD5XX/4XX into Maintenance Mode from Flight Mode.

If you ever need to place an IFD5XX/4XX Series Navigator into maintenance mode you can accomplish by either selecting the Download Logs LSK from the AUX>SYS>Status Software Page or from the AUX>SYS> Status Databases Page (Example Below). If the Download Logs or Update Databases selection is not populated (Example …

Avidyne IFD5XX/4XX and Foreflight- Issues with ADS-B Traffic and Weather.

1. Since this is just a rebroadcast, all weather products and traffic that are being picked up by the ADS-B in device will be sent out. This includes the new FIS-B weather products that the IFD does not yet support. (Cloud tops, Lightning, Turbulence etc). So apps like foreflight that do support these products will s…

Approach Procedures

APPROACH PROCEDURES Ensure the approach has been entered into the FMS flight plan, and that it is currently active in the IFD. An approach can be selected and flown as a full published procedure or as a Vectors-to-Final – the choice is made on the Transitions dropdown menu in the FMS. When an approach is selected …

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