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Showing articles from IFD tag

IFD 5XX 4XX Software Update Update & Instructional Video For Loading

Please review this article, then click the link below the video at the bottom of the page to be directed to the software request form. Free PDF Pilot Guides and Quick Reference Guides for AviOS10.3.X.X can be found in this article under "Attachments". IFD 5XX/4XX Software Version introduces improvements …

IFD5XX/4XX Compatible Equipment

The IFD5XX/4XX can interface with a host of other avionics equipment. The following list represents proven interfaces. There may be other devices that can be configured the same as one on the below list but Avidyne has not tested it and can therefore not make any compatibility claims. This information is  FOR REFEREN…


You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at DATABASE UPDATES Periodic updates to nav, chart, obstacle, and terrain databases are all made through the USB port on the front of each IFD. Updates must be performed in accordance with 14 CFR…

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