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Showing articles from Entegra tag

Entegra EX5000 series Online Warranty order processing

How to purchase new or renewal warranty for the Entegra EX5000 Series Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multi-Function Display (MFD). Warranty renewal is only for pilots whose warranty is about to expire or has lapsed less than 60 calendar days ago. Failure to renew in time will result in the pilot needing to purch…

Entegra EXP5000 PFD RVSM

Refer to the current PFD Pilots Guide for minimum software needed for RVSM: Pilot Guides can be found on the main site, under Support.

Entegra Condensation

Condensation is something that may occur in the Entegra products, this is due to humidity and temperature. Once the Entegra system is powered on, the heat generated by the Entegra system will clear the condensation.  Avidyne does not RMA the Entegra units for condensation, as we do not seal the screens to its hous…

Entegra EXP5000 - Dual PFD ADAHRS Fail

In a single or dual equipped PFD aircraft, exhibiting the below examples on the ground, the PFD with the red X's will need to be sent in for service. In a dual PFD Equipped aircraft, Avidyne must be aware of the software levels in both PFDs. This may result in both PFD coming in for service to ensure they continue t…


NEWS    July 17, 2019 AVIDYNE STREAMLINES ENTEGRA PFD/MFD SUPPORT PROCESS IN THE SPIRIT OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Avidyne demonstrates its commitment to world-class product support and overall customer experience; Significant improvements in support processes being implemented based directly on dealer a…

Entegra EXP5000 PFD; How to find the serial number and software part number

How to find the serial number and the software part number of the PFD. On Startup, the PFD has a purplish-grey screen, depending on the version of software on the PFD, the Serial Number might be found on that screen If the screen does not have the serial number of the PFD, you will need to retrieve the serial n…

Avidyne Pilot Guides

Avidyne Pilot Guides for the product installed in your aircraft: You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at

Entegra EX5000 Flying Overview

Please review the PowerPoint Presentation (attachment) for basic information on the Entegra systems in Cirrus aircraft. Additionally, here are some links that may be helpful: Avidyne glass panel in SR22  Settingup the PFD  Flying the Missed Approach on Entegra  Cirrus SR22 Departure Procedure  DFC90 Autopil…

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