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Showing articles from EX5000 tag

Entegra EX5000 MFD Common Jeppesen Errors

For the EX5000 MFD, the charts provided from Jeppesen may be too large to load on the compact flash card installed in the MFD. Pilots/owners may see a warning that the Charts could not be loaded: insufficient memory insufficient space not enough space not enough memory CMax Data Upload Failed, Error writing …

Entegra EXP5000 PFD; How to find the serial number and software part number

How to find the serial number and the software part number of the PFD. On Startup, the PFD has a purplish-grey screen, depending on the version of software on the PFD, the Serial Number might be found on that screen If the screen does not have the serial number of the PFD, you will need to retrieve the serial n…

Avidyne Pilot Guides

Avidyne Pilot Guides for the product installed in your aircraft: You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at

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