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Entegra EX5000 - Tips
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New the the Entegra MFD EX5000 (or EX500/EX600)?

All inquires for the EX5000 MFD should be directed to Avidyne ([email protected]).

All Inquires for the EX500/EX600 should be directed to Duncan Aviation.


What software do I have on my MFD? - take a picture of the AUX tab, If you have a setup tab, this equals an old software release. Use the guide above to determine who to contact.


Updating Nav - there are several knowledge based article 

FAT Formatting

USB Drive Info 

Caution: Using a MAC Computer

Jeppesen Charts will not load

How to create a CMax KeyCode

Cirrus - Flying overview


There are lots of articles in the Knowledge based database, search key words to see if we already have an article for your issue. 


Avidyne recommends that the pilot have a minimum of 3 - 2GB USB drives.

1- for NAV

1- for Charts

1- for Engine Data (excludes the PA46-500TP)

(Nav and Charts on the same USB will not work, the MFD will do a single query, and skip all other data)


While 2GB USB drives are no longer common at your local brick and mortar stores, Amazon carries generic 2GB USBs.


RMA tips for Pilots:

Take a clear photo of the screens before having them shipped in for service.

The turn time is dependent on the service requested by your shop, Avidyne offers several options, and most have fee's that are not covered by your AeroPlan, and non-refundable. 

- Standard Repair and return is 35-45 business days once the unit arrives at the repair station, all fee's have been paid (if applicable), and all paperwork completed and returned (mostly for international RMA)

- Expedited Repair and Return - this has a non-refundable fee charged to your shop, they will charge you for this fee, the repair and return is 6-business days

- Exchange - this option is where your shop send in your unit, and (if available) an Exchange is sent in 24-48 hours from the repair station. This option has several additional fee's

- Advanced Exchange - this option is available to shops who request a unit to be shipped first, then they send in your unit, all paperwork. Key factor: all fee's and paperwork must be completed before the replacement unit will ship from our repair station, and can take 24-hours after we have received the necessary details. This option has several additional fee's.

- The non-refundable fee's are costly, you will need your shop to give you a full quote, so that you may choose the options best suited for you, these fee's can be in the thousands. 

Avidyne Tech Support, nor Pilot Support will provide shop pricing to the pilot. If pilots obtain the dealer pricing, your shop is not obligated to accept cost provided to you from any source.

All service cost increase on January 1. 


When contacting your shop, make sure you have identify all issues you are having with the unit. Provide photo's and/or video's showing the exact issues, this allows us to address all concerns you are having with your unit while it is here being serviced.

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