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Showing articles from DFC90 tag

NAV Invalid

The Nav Invalid message at the top of the Entegra EXP5000 PFD is associated with the autopilot installed. For up-to-date info on this message, please review the DFC90 Pilot Guide, or applicable (other vendor) Pilot Guide. Below is an excerpt from the DFC90 PG:

DFC90 with Aspen

When connecting the DFC90 to the Aspen PFD, the Aspen may require an 'unlock'. This is the responsibility of the shop and not Avidyne.

MSR Fail message on PFD

This is an indication that is generated by the DFC90 autopilot computer.  Essentially this fault means the DFC90 is unable to read/write to an internal memory component.  This will not affect any of the operation of the autopilot, but will cause the aural alerting to cease.  The unit will need to come back to Avidyne…

DFC90 Wings Level

Straight and Level - Pressing the "Straight and Level" button on the autopilot will result in a zero bank, +2 degree pitch angle attitude. It is not an altitude hold or a zero vertical speed mode, nor does it hold a heading. Depending on the power setting and aircraft configuration, this could produce a climb, stea…

Servo Limit Message on PFD

Generally this means the DFC90 is seeing a problem with the roll servo.  The roll servo is the only one that will trigger a "Servo Limit" message.  Recommend having an avionics shop perform the Start Up Voltage tests on the roll servo.

DFC90 Audio Fail message

The DFC90 "Audio Fail" message requires the Avidyne Dealer to RMA the unit. Please use the 'Find a Dealer' link at the top of to find your closest Avidyne Dealer. The card has become "corrupted" due to the fact that it writes information and deletes old information. This can only be done a certain numb…

DFC90 Self Test Fail

If you get a self test fail annunciation please have the following completed by your local Avidyne dealer. 1. Verify Autopilot is properly seated in its tray. 2. Verify no Autopilot external devices has failed (i.e. trim/servo motors, turn coordinator, autopilot disconnect, trim/servo motor, etc.) If the abo…

DFC90 Trim Tab Test

* With the aircraft in straight and level flight (hand flying) using the hat switch, roll the trim full left. Let go of the stick and count how long the aircraft takes to roll to the 45dg mark on the PFD (typically 3-5 secs). * Conduct the same test to the right. With the aircraft straight and level using the hat…

MSR Fail message on PFD

This is an indication that is generated by the DFC90 autopilot computer.  Essentially this fault means the DFC90 is unable to read/write to an internal memory component.  This will not affect any of the operation of the autopilot, but will cause the aural alerting to cease.  The unit will need to come back to Avidyne…

DFC90 AutoPilot Guide

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