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Showing articles from engine tag

Entegra EMAX Engine Download (what information is stored?) (PA-46-350)

Piper PA46-350: "TIME","LAT","LON","PALT","TIT","C1","C2","C3","C4","C5","C6","OILT","OILP","RPM","OAT","MAP","FF","USED","AMP1","AMP2","AMPB","VOLTS","FQL","FQR","VAC","WOW

Entegra EMAX Engine Download (what information is stored?) (Cirrus)

Cirrus : TIME,"LAT","LON","E1","E2","E3","E4","E5","E6","C1","C2","C3","C4","C5","C6","OILT","OILP","RPM","OAT","MAP","FF","USED","AMP1","AMP2","AMPB","MBUS","EBUS"

Downloading EMax Data

You can download the engine log files from the EX5000 using either a Zip Drive and Zip disk or a USB Flash Memory Drive. ➤ To download the stored engine data log files: 1) Turn power OFF to the EX5000 2) Connect the data source to the EX5000:     ■ If using a USB Flash Memory Drive, plug it into the data port on …

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