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Home > Pilot Support > General Pilot Support (Other) > Entegra EX5000 cannot move from tab to tab
Entegra EX5000 cannot move from tab to tab
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Pilots who notice that the MFD scroll from tab to tab is not working, check for the following:

Are the Tabs along the bottom yellow? 

- if yes, the software card has become corrupt (via the USB port), or the compact flash card (internal) is no longer working correctly.

- Avidyne recommends that pilots replace the USB drives with 2GB drives available on Amazon, or other online electronic retailer (i.e. Newegg)

- specific details on the USB Drives are here:

- Pilots will need to work with an Avionics shop to obtain a replacement CF card for the MFD


If the tabs are not yellow, is it difficult to scroll along the bottom tabs?

- this could be the encoder knob in the MFD

- Pilots will need to see their Avionics shop, the MFD will need to be returned for repair. 

- Pilots are encouraged to have an AeroPlan Warranty, as repair cost are extremely high (all cost are provided to the shop).

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