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Home > Pilot Support > General Pilot Support (Other) > Entegra EX5000 (MFD) - 8.2 Software Release
Entegra EX5000 (MFD) - 8.2 Software Release
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Avidyne Multi-Function Displays (MFD), part number 700-00004-XXX or 700-00030-X0X (the information below is from Avidyne's service bulletin 601-00004-107 Revision 3; accessible to dealers and avionic shops)

The MFD to provide all existing functionality of previous MFD software levels, including optional functions, except as described below. 

(before updating to 8.2, please review the NOTE's below)


Available Avidyne units include the Skytrax200 and the L3/Harris NGT-9000

Pilot may choose to add the Garmin GTX345

It will remove support for the MLX770 Two-Way Datalink Transceiver System and WSI In-flight Datalink weather for MFD Software Part Numbers 530-00201-XXXRev 01 and earlier (to find your MFD software, power on the MFD and go to the AUX tab). For all MFDs, except MFD Software Part Numbers 530-00235-XXX which already have the capability, it will add capability to display FIS-B weather data and legacy traffic received by an external ADS-B network receiver. 

NOTE: The MLX770 Narrowcast Datalink function is not supported by the MFD Release 8.2.x. If the MFD being considered for upgrade makes use of the MLX770 Narrowcast Datalink function, the upgrade described in this service bulletin should not be performed.
NOTE: The WSI Inflight Datalink / Sirius Radio function is not supported by the MFD Release 8.2.x software. If the MFD being considered for upgrade makes use of the WSI Inflight Datalink / Sirius Radio function, the upgrade described in this service bulletin should not be performed.
NOTE: Some installations of EX5000 MFDs have been made with Garmin 400 and 500 series GPS units connected via RS-232 under previous revisions of the 600-00073-000 installation manual. Those installations are known, non-compliant installations with respect to TSO-C165 as curved paths from the GPS are depicted as straight lines on the MFD. Avidyne recommends customers with Garmin 400 and 500 series GPS units connected via RS-232 switch to an ARINC429 connection, otherwise the following warning must be added to the pilot’s guide: “Warning: The EX5000 MFD will display straight lines instead of curved lines when curved paths are in the flight plan of a Garmin 400 or 500 series GPS unit.”

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