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Home > Pilot Support > General Pilot Support (Other) > Unlimited Database Downloads and Transfers via Avidyne And BendixKing Tail Registration
Unlimited Database Downloads and Transfers via Avidyne And BendixKing Tail Registration
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With the JDM 3.13 release for Windows and macOS, and the 1.10 release for iOS/iPadOS, JDM now has the option of using the aircraft tail number to allow for unlimited downloads and transfers each cycle for the following Avidyne and BendixKing navigators and FMS systems:

  • Avidyne IFD 400/500 Series navigators
  • BendixKing AeroNav Series navigators
  • Avidyne Atlas FMS
  • Avidyne Helios FMS

This change in effect provides unlimited downloads each cycle to load in the aircraft once enabled. Counter resets will no longer be needed.

If multiple tail numbers exist in one account with the same Avidyne or BendixKing unit type and coverage, JDM applies all applicable tail numbers to the download. This way, only one storage device is needed to update each aircraft.

If the database update is loaded into a unit that has a different tail number registered in the avionics, the database update will fail to load with a "Data Load Not Authorized for this Aircraft" message.

Once the tail number has been applied to a service, the "Transfers Remaining" indicator is replaced with a "System ID" marker to indicate that unlimited downloads are available:

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Customers who wish to register their tail number for unlimited downloads must contact Avidyne technical support. This is to ensure that the formatting of the tail number is correct, as any character mismatches with the tail number registered in the avionics results in a Not Authorized error.

The tail number on the navigator or FMS is displayed on the Main System Config page in Maintenance Mode. In Maintenance Mode, select Config, then rotate the right outer knob until the Main System Config page is displayed. Do not change the tail number displayed on the Main System Config page, as doing so will disable the paid options (e.g. SVS, 16W radio, etc.).

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Q: If I receive a “Not Authorized” error, what do I do?
A: Customer support can correct the tail number to match what is registered in the avionics, or alternatively can immediately revert the service to use standard counters.

Q: Why do I have to call support to register my tail number, doesn’t JDM already have my tail information?
A: Avidyne avionics allow for tail numbers in the system that are incompatible with Jeppesen’s standard field for tail numbers. The most common instance of this is a dash (-) found in non-US tail numbers. To ensure JDM writes the correct tail number that is acceptable to these aircraft, a new field was necessary that requires registration.

Q: If my tail number in the avionics matches what I have in JDM already, can’t JDM automatically apply it?
A: JDM does have the ability to pre-populate tail numbers that are a match between Jeppesen and Avidyne’s tail number databases. The majority of these will be in the North America (N12345) format. Provided initial registrations of tail numbers work successfully, this ability may be utilized.

Q: Should I try to change my tail number in the avionics to match what Jeppesen already has?
A: No – changing the tail number in the avionics will result in a loss of Avidyne “paid options” features, such as enabling a 16W radio over the standard 10W. While these can be re-enabled under a new tail number, there is a monetary cost associated.

You can reach Jeppesen technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

  • North America toll-free: 800-732-2800
  • United States direct: 303-328-4587
  • International: 49-6102-508270
  • Online: JDM Customer Support Portal


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