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Home > PFD/MFD Pilot Support > EX5000 MFD (Pilot) > Entegra EX5000 MFD XM Client Terminated
Entegra EX5000 MFD XM Client Terminated
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Pilots seeing the message 'XM Client Terminated' should check the MFD system time:

- turn on the avionics

- acknowledge the messages

- scroll to the Aux page

- press the button next to System Time

- the MFD system time cannot be more than 3 minutes of UTC

  - if set to Auto or GPOS, you will need your shop to check your GPS radios

  - if set to manual, you will need to correct the system time


If the system time is not the issue, you will need to see the avionics shop to request a software update card. 

Provide your shop with the message you are getting from the Aux Page: XM Client Terminated

And, the software part number, also on the Aux Page.



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