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Home > IFD5xx/4xx Pilot Support > IFD Password-Protected PIN Set in Maintenance Mode
IFD Password-Protected PIN Set in Maintenance Mode
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Maintenance Mode includes a feature to lock your configurations with the use of a Password Protection PIN. This is useful to prevent inadvertent changing of configuration settings while in Maintenance Mode.


However, this also means that if one forgets the PIN set, or if a PIN is accidentally set, the PIN must be entered in order to unlock Maintenance Mode to change configuration settings.

If a PIN is set, the words "PASSWORD-PROTECTED" will be visible under the page name in the Config tab:



If this applies to you, and you do not have the current PIN used to lock the configurations in the IFD, you will need the PIN reset DSF file attached to this article


The steps of resetting the PIN are easy:

-Download the 'PasswordDefaultPIN.dsf' file to your computer.


-Insert an 8-16GB thumb drive into your computer and format it to FAT32, just as you would for loading databases.

-Load the 'PasswordDefaultPIN.dsf' file onto the thumb drive.

-Eject the thumb drive from your computer.

-With the IFD powered off, insert the thumb drive into the USB port of the IFD.

-Apply power to the IFD via the avionics master switch or other methods (this can also be performed on a bench).

-Select the PIN reset DSF file and select 'proceed'.

-Once complete, select 'Done' and remove the thumb drive from the USB port. The IFD will now reboot into flight mode.


You can now go back into Maintenance Mode and make any changes necessary to the configurations in the Config tab. 





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