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Home > Pilot Support > General Pilot Support (Other) > Entegra EX5000 MFD - constantly reboots
Entegra EX5000 MFD - constantly reboots
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For aircraft with the MFD installed, and the unit is constantly rebooting after the splash screen appears:

- Ensure nothing has been changed/modified on the aircraft that would cause this behavior (installing or removing items).

- The first line of troubleshooting is to have Compact Flash (CF) card replaced (by a shop or dealer).

- The Avidyne Software Replacement form is attached, however, only Avionic Shops or Avidyne Dealers can submit this form. 

  - pilots can assist and fill-out the form to the best of their ability

- Most Piper aircraft require a fuel calibration

- Turn around time is 1-2 business days; then shipping time.

Shops must include their shipping account number.




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