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Home > Pilot Support > General Pilot Support (Other) > AXP340 (Pilot/Owner) > AMOC for FAA AD 2019-13-03 Avidyne AXP340 Transponders and BendixKing/Honeywell International KT74 Transponders
AMOC for FAA AD 2019-13-03 Avidyne AXP340 Transponders and BendixKing/Honeywell International KT74 Transponders
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Alternative Means of Compliance for FAA AD 2019-13-03 Avidyne AXP340 Transponders and BendixKing/Honeywell International KT74 Transponders



On August 27, 2019, the FAA issued AD 2019-13-03 advising of an unsafe condition of some Avidyne AXP340 transponders and BendixKing/Honeywell International KT74 transponders if mounted in a non-conventional orientation. Subsequent to the issuance of the Airworthiness Directive, Avidyne applied for, and received, approval of an alternative means of compliance permitting the owner/operator pilot holding at least a private pilot certificate to examine the installation of the transponder. If the transponder is installed in a conventional manner defined as in an aft-facing avionics rack such that the transponder faceplate and controls are facing the rear of the aircraft, to sign off the aircraft maintenance log book as being in compliance with the A.D. The details of the AMOC (Alternative Means of Compliance) are contained in Avidyne Service Bulletin 601-00000-005 Revision 00 or greater.  Please take note the AD requires compliance within (90) days of its effective date.  It is recommended that pilots make, and record, the required orientation check prior to November 25, 2019. Note that the AMOC is not applicable to the Trig Avionics TT31 transponders.


Attachments found to the right of the article under the "Attachments" Section.



2. AD_2019-13-03_dtd_082719

3. AMOC_2018-NE-39-AD PilotCheck - Signed


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601-00000-005_SERVICE_BULLETIN_AVIDYNE_BENDIXKING_TRANSPONDERS_COMPLIANC....pdf AMOC_2018-NE-39-AD_PilotCheck_-_Signed.pdf AD_2019-13-03_dtd_082719.pdf
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