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Home > Pilot Support > General Pilot Support (Other) > Jeppesen Pricing For Avidyne Equipment
Jeppesen Pricing For Avidyne Equipment
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These database regions and prices are current as of September 6, 2023. For more information on the exact regional coverage, contact Jeppesen.

All Jeppesen Database purchases may be done via the portal on This link is also available on the slide-out menu on your MyAvidyne Customer Portal.




Jeppesen Pricing for Avidyne Equipment


Jeppesen has released "A La Carte" database solutions for Avidyne Customers; allowing you to build a custom order that fits your needs. NavData, Charts, and Obstacles are all purchased separately.

Pricing includes databases for all installed Avidyne equipment in a single airplane. The price of databases are for each aircraft regardless of the number of Avidyne products in the aircraft.


**These prices are for databases only. Taxes and fees may apply.




These are annual prices for NavData only, per aircraft. For more information on regional coverages, contact Jeppesen. 





These are annual prices for Charts only, per aircraft. For more information on regional coverages, contact Jeppesen. 

**Charts databases include approach, airport diagrams, etc. for all equipment capable of uploading charts (IFD5xx, EX5000, Atlas, Helios, R9), and IFD100.

**If you have an IFD4XX and still wish to download charts to IFD100, you need to purchase this Chart Database for your region.

**This database includes four site keys that allow multiple mobile devices, including the ability to download Jeppesen Charts to Foreflight. 





These are annual prices for Obstacles only, per aircraft. For more information on regional coverages, contact Jeppesen. 





For example, if a single-IFD440 customer wants only North America NavData and Obstacles, and no Jeppesen Charts, their annual subscription is $175 (NavData) + $49 (Obstacles) = $224 for the year, for that aircraft. Taxes and fees may apply.

If they have dual 440s, the price is the exact same.


If they add charts, the price is $224+$449= $673 for the year, regardless of how many units are installed in the aircraft. In other words, a Single IFD540 with charts will have the same database pricing as an aircraft with Dual IFD (5xx/4xx or dual 5xx) and Entegra MFD with charts (Cirrus SR20/22, for example). Taxes and fees may apply.


A little about IFD100 Seats, site keys, and charts subscriptions:


To access Jeppesen NavData, Obstacles and Charts on the iPad device, the customer can use one of their available site keys by logging in with their Jeppesen credentials. The terrain database is also accessible in the application. Terrain data is provided by Avidyne, even though it is from Jeppesen. The IFD100 allows users to activate and deactivate seat licenses associated with the chart services. NavData and Obstacles that are purchased a la carte will have a token serial number AVD1-JWM5-ABM2-8L2W to allow the user to download these data files. IFD100 will always say 1 New Device Allowed but it is an unlimited use.

If a customer has a valid Jeppesen Chart subscription(s) the IFD100 app will be limited by the site keys associated to the Jeppesen Serial Number(s). If a customer does not have a Jeppesen Chart Subscription, and is only subscribed to (Jeppesen-purchased) Avidyne-NavData and Obstacles, they will have “unlimited” activations allowed in the IFD100 app.

Here is what the activation screen in the IFD100 app looks like when a customer does NOT have an active Jeppesen chart subscription on the account. i.e., Only Navdata and Obstacles:

(notice the AVD1-JWM5-ABM2-8L2W)

No matter how many iPads you log in with, it will always show this serial number and the “1 New Devices Allowed”.

Here is what the IFD100 activation screen looks like when there is one active Jeppesen Chart Subscription with 4 site keys on the account (1 is in use):

Here is what the activation screen in the IFD100 app looks like with multiple Jeppesen Chart Subscriptions:

Jeppesen has various locations with sales representatives to better serve customers around the globe. Based on your current location, choose the one that is right for you.



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