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Home > IFD5xx/4xx Pilot Support > IFD Displayed CAS Messages (Pilot/Owner) > Clearing IFD100 CAS Messages Does Not Clear on the IFD with AviOS10.3
Clearing IFD100 CAS Messages Does Not Clear on the IFD with AviOS10.3
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With AviOS10.3, acknowledging CAS messages on IFD100 do not cause the same CAS message to clear on the panel-mounted IFD. Prior to AviOS 10.3, clearing the CAS on IFD100 would cause the same message to clear on the IFD, and vice versa.


This is not a bug or a glitch, but rather a circumstance of the new security protocols introduced with the new software version. It was decided during the increased WiFi security measures that the ability to acknowledge CAS messages externally over WiFi would be terminated.

However, acknowledging the CAS message on the panel-mounted IFD will clear the same CAS message on IFD100.

So, all you have to do to clear a CAS message with a single touch is to acknowledge it on the IFD and not on IFD100. Otherwise, you'll just have to acknowledge the message on both the iPad and the IFD.

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