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Home > IFD5xx/4xx Pilot Support > What IFD Enablement Do I Have
What IFD Enablement Do I Have
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To check the enablement's activated on your IFD please use the instructions below.


1.  Apply power to the IFD

2.  Address the start up pages (Enter/Proceed/Confirm)

3.  Press the AUX button

4.  Enter the SYS tab

5.  On the lower left corner of the screen ensure you are on the STATUS Software page

6.  The status software page will provide the current software version (S/W Ver) and Options (please see picture below)

         -  On an IFD440 you will need to use the lower right hand knob closest to the bezel to scroll down to the options.

7.  The IFD has 4 standard options available to all IFD's running software version and higher.

         -  SVS, F500, ENET/IO, and BT should be highlighted in green with white text to identify they are active (any other Highlighted options are additional purchased options).



If you have any further questions about enablement's please contact Avidyne Support at 1-800-Avidyne (1-800-284-3963) or [email protected]


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