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Home > IFD5xx/4xx Pilot Support > Intermittent Loss of WIFI
Intermittent Loss of WIFI
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Intermittent loss of WIFI can be attributed to a couple of different variables. For the best possible WIFI signal, you want to eliminate any other networks that may also be active in the aircraft, or in the hangar if the aircraft is inside.


Here is a list of known interferences to look out for when attempting to establish an IFD WIFI connection:


  • Verify no other WIFI networks in the general vicinity. (i.e NGT9000 built in WIFI, Stratus, Hangar WIFI etc.)
  • Verify the cellular networks of all electronics in the aircraft are in airplane mode or powered off (i.e iPad's with cellular networks, cell phones)
  • Is there a Satellite phone on board? If so, power it down during connectivity
  • Wireless Portable ADS-B Receivers. Cellular networks can interfere with the IFD's WIFI. The Stratus uses 3G/4G LTE internet in their WIFI, so there's a good chance that signal could affect the IFD's WIFI signal. In this event, we suggest simply choosing which WIFI you'd like to use and turn off the other.


You can reset the IFD's Wi-Fi module by momentarily pressing the power knob on the top left of the IFD. **Do not let the countdown timer reach zero, as this will turn off the IFD.**

Once you see the "Allow/Ignore" window pop up, press 'Allow' and reattempt the connection. The Wi-Fi icon should turn green soon after you prompt the IFD to connect to the network. 




If you continue to have problems with the IFD's Wi-Fi, email Support at [email protected]

There is a procedure in the field we can try in order to regain Wi-Fi functionality that involves replacing the Micro SD cards in the side of the unit. Support will send these cards to your installer for replacement, along with the associated Service Bulletin with the instructions. 

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