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Home > Pilot Support > PFD/MFD Pilot Support > EXP5000 PFD (Pilot/Owner) > Entegra EXP5000 PFD Software Release Levels
Entegra EXP5000 PFD Software Release Levels
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Pre Release 6: 530-00171-xxx

Release 6.0: 530-00177-xxx

Release 6.2:  530-00183-xxx

Release 7: 530-00194-xxx (adds ADU cal capability, and WAAS)

Release 8: 530-00214-xxx

In Dual equipped PFD aircraft, it is essential that the PFDs be within the same software release. If a PFD is coming in for service, it will be returned with the latest software (currently 8.0.6 530-00214-XXX). Failure to confirm the software will result in:

- Mis-match errors between the PFDs

- Delay in getting the second PFD updated to the latest version of software

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