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The IFD100 app is designed to be an extension of the panel mounted IFD5xx/4xx. Almost everything that can be done on the IFDs can be done on the app. 


1. After downloading the app it will open to the Jeppessen login page. Enter your Jeppesen login information and select login on the bottom right of the screen.


2. On the database download screen, download each database as needed. The Nav data MUST match for the app and IFD to communicate. Other databases (Terrain, Obstacles, Charts) improve functionality but are not required.


3. Select exit on the bottom left of the screen, thus opening the IFD100.

      Note: After initial setup it is not required to log in to Jeppsessen every time, simply select exit and the app will open in flight mode.

      Note: In order to get back to the Jeppessen login screen the app must be closed (select the iPad home button twice and swipe the app closed) and opened again.


4. Connect to the IFD via WiFi. (Bluetooth is ONLY for the keyboard, do not connect iPad to the IFD Bluetooth.)

      -IFD SSID (WiFi name) is LIO_wifi, the password is abcdef1234 

(Note: The SSID and password can be changed unbeknownst to the owner/operator by the installer) If you are unsure, check with your installer.

Note: You can check SSID and password settings in maintenance mode.

5. Once connected to the IFD WiFi open the IFD100 app. 


6. Green frequencies indicate the app is connected to the IFD, red X's indicate the app is NOT connected. (Connection can take up to 30 seconds)


7. Now the IFD100 and IFD are connected and ready to use.


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