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Home > General Pilot Support (Other) > CMAX Key Code--How to Create
CMAX Key Code--How to Create
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The CMax KeyCode generator is attached to this knowledge based article, for those pilots wanting to create their own code. See Note below.


To find the Jeppesen 16-digit Serial Number for the charts, please login to your JDM account.
Find the EX5000 (EX500/EX600) charts.
At the end of the EX5000 charts line, click on (MORE...).  - this opens a pop up window.
At the bottom of that pop-up window, click on Set your Avidyne CMax Key Code. - this opens a new pop-up.
At the bottom of that pop-up, do you have a CMax in the appropriate field? (take a photo)

You can copy the 16-digit serial number from the last window, paste into Notepad, this helps to strip any formatting.

Get the MFD serial Number off the Aux tab on the MFD. - this should be 8 digits, and should not be FLIGHTMAX (take a photo)

If your CMax is missing, I can generate you one; requires the JDM 16-digit account number and your MFD Serial number (found on the Aux tab).

**January2022-UPDATE** if your generated CMax key code has comma's (see example below), this is invalid. Use the attached AviUtility.exe to generate a valid CMax.


How to create CMAX Key Code and Download Jeppesen Charts through JDM

Charts for the EX5000 MFD's require a CMAX Key Code.  Below information applies only to MFD's

The links below will show you how to obtain a CMAX Key Code and how to use your JDM account services.


 Jeppesen Services Download Data Base for JDM


To see how to get the Jeppview ID and set your CMAX Key Code, go to 2:30 on video link above.


 To create a CMax Key Code with your MFD serial # and the Jeppview ID – follow the link below.

To find your MFD serial number, power up your MFD and scroll to the "AUX" tab.


Alternatively, you may choose to use the AviKeyGenerator.exe attached to this Knowledge Based Article. 
NOTE, the dashes (-) in the Jeppesen 16-digit serial number must be removed before generating the CMax. 


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